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15 Needed Trade Skills For SHTF_ Survival Career Change

Roaring Fire Gear

Roaring Fire Survival Gear
Roaring Fire Survival Gear

When it comes to survival or an SHTF situation, there are certain skills that are very important to have. And if you are in a proper group, typically they're looking for certain people.

But one thing that you can do is to build your skill to match those requirements, and that's really important. There is going to be a lot of things that are going to be needed in a survival situation, and to me, long wolf mentality will get you killed.

It's very important to have a group, , but how can you make yourself attractive to a group?

1st off is medical professionals, whether doctors, nurses, even emt paramedics, those guys are going to be number one on the list.

Number two is police law enforcement. Those guys are going to be very busy in an SHTF situation. But you may have some that can join your proper group. But having those skills also prior military definitely a big plus for different skills.

Now, one of the things that you got to look for is having a team player. And that's very important. Just because somebody has military skills doesn't make them the end all expert. They could have been a truck driver while they were in the military. So you really need to have people that are willing to work together and to compromise, and not necessarily to run things. People with communications experience, such as ham radios, or they have a lot of knowledge with certain type radios to be able to communicate, because communication is super important.But also any kind of trade, and that could be an electrician, it could be a plumber, you could be a steel worker. You know, someone that has hands on and has a lot of knowledge to be able to improvise certain things if they need to. Which would also include even engineers, mechanics, different people that just have skills on how things work. And also having a butcher is also one thing that might be great to have, especially if you're processing meat, someone that knows how to do that.

And then hunters, trappers, fishermen, carpenters, home builders, I mean, these are people that know a lot about how structures are formed,And they do understand some of the basics of electricity. They understand the basics of how a home is put together. And they can do a lot of repairs if needed. Or they can improvise your home, fortify, do a lot of things so And usually they have tools to be able to get through those situations. All of these people have certain skill levels that you can use in SHTF. Now, because of that, you need to look at some of their skill sets, and you may not be able to match it, but you can definitely get some training. You can study, and you can learn how to acquire some of those skills in an SHIF of situation. But some other skills that are just good to know. One is being a gunsmith, an armorer, being able to reload ammunition. Gardening. Gardening is a big one, and guys, I highly recommend even if you just want to start dabbling and gardening a small container garden, start getting your hands in the dirt, start planning seeds, and start growing some of your own food.

But guys, it's always a learning process, and you need to have people with experience, so get experience for yourself. Also, those who can can canning food is very important, but really the tools you'll need, whether having canning jars and different supplies, but having the skill to know how to can and guys, even if you just go to the farmers market and buy a couple of bushels of corn, and being able to can that, or being able to process it, sewing, making clothes, repairing clothes, and also having what you need to be able to do that. Knife sharpening, knowing how to sharpen knives. There is a science to sharpening knives. Also, axes, tools, different things you have, because it really cuts down on the labor that you're going to expand if you have sharp implements. And so having someone that knows not only how to sharpen, but also has some tools to be able to sharpen things, being able to make knives, that's also something you know that is a skill that's required. And especially the heat treating processes, which goes right into blacksmith. A blacksmith is definitely someone that can form a lot of different things. The guys, if you need certain things for survival, they can create out of scrap metal things that you could use in a survival situation.

You may want to get into candle making, which would definitely be an obvious choice that would help in an SHTF situation. Pottery and being able to make certain type jars or containers, things that you might need, leatherwork, being able to make sheaves, holsters, belts, a lot of different things. And a lot of this goes back to primitive times. If you see what the skills they were using, like blacksmith, candlemaking, pottery, those metal work, all those things kind of come into play.

Supplies are not necessarily going to be available, and so you're going to have to make what you have alternative medicines or homeopathic solutions. if the pharmacies are out, you're going to need to have alternate ways to be able to treat certain things. And people have been doing this for generations. My wife is a registered nurse, and she is really interested in alternative medicines, and so while she knows the professional side, she also looks for other ways to be able to treat people also having basic 1st aid skills, going to a trauma class, going to a CPR class, learning those things, Do it now.

Why you can also shoe repair. Shoes definitely wear out over time, and it's great to have someone with the tools and the experience to be able to repair shoes or boots, and this also goes into some of the leatherwork. But they definitely compliment each other. People that love to camp, they love to get out in the outdoors, and, you know, they like to even use primitive skills, that's another big asset. But also just people that like to hike a lot, and you get out in the outdoors, and you learn a lot while you're out there, learning the right packs, learning the right shoes to have, learning about, you know, having rainware if you need it. And so they're going to give some insight to people that, you know, just stay at home a lot. So people that get out into the outdoors, to me, that is a big asset. And so getting in the outdoors is going to improve your skill.

A guy's self defense is important, and having the tools are great, but you need to have training. And so up your skill by taking some training classes. Maybe it's fire education, maybe its competitive shooting, maybe its a three gun match, or you can get into mixed martial arts or some kind of self defense classes to be able to up your hands on experience.  Because most people really just don't know how to fight.  And so learning that's going to give you an upper hand. And guys, that's going to protect what you have is going to protect others. It's going to make you a more valuable asset.

So, that's a pretty extensive list, but I'm sure there are others.

But the main thing is make yourself valuable in a survival situation. It is going to help you personally, and then you can translate that into a group and really be a major asset for any group. And so if you don't have any real skills in that line, guys, now is the time to be able to study and to get yourself prepared. you can store food, you can store ammunition, you know, you can store up all these supplies, But if you don't really have the skill to use it, or you don't have skills to offer a proper group, you're doing yourself a disservice guys. Get yourself ahead. Because knowledge alone is not equal to experience, and when you have experience, you can use that for your benefit and the benefit of others in case trouble comes.

One of the most important on the list becoming a hammer was especially prudent, and up your hand held.


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